Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Week 15-Bonsai!!

This week wasn't very awesome. We walked a lot, did a lot of finding that wasn't very successful, and had like 4 investigators drop us. It was rough, but I have been obedient and have been working really hard, so I feel good about it despite how things turned out.
Although, we were visiting an inactive lady and it turns out she has a 9 year old daughter that has not been baptized! She said that they want to start coming back to church and that she wants her daughter to be baptized! Neat! So we will see where that takes haha, hopefully into the waters of baptism once again!
That was a pretty cool experience.
Something pretty amazing happened on Friday of this week. Through some of Elder Dube's connections in Anaheim, each of our companionships got a bonsai tree this week! A BONSAI!!!! I have secretly wanted my own bonsai tree basically my entire life, and now I finally have one! We named it Mr. Myagi. It is 12 years old already! It is a mini tree! And we set it back on our balcony, along with a bamboo mat we picked up at the store, and I like to go sit on the mat and center my chi and ponder the scriptures and the universe. We pruned it and wired it this morning, so it looks even cooler than it did before.

My companion is a very skilled juggler, and because of that, I've actually gotten pretty good at it myself. We have been using it in our finding! It's worked pretty well actually, so that's cool. We also have been using family history a lot this week and that has been pretty successful also.
I've put a lot of thought into how a mission is like a mini life and it's so true. We leave our parents for a season and get a new father, have our own sons, learn and grow constantly as we are faced with new challenges and callings. We learn lessons and principles that will bless us long after we depart, and we help others in that same quest for truth and knowledge. We face trials and adversity, but learn to turn to the Lord and rely on Him. All the things we do on a mission are the goals and challenges of a lifetime! It's awesome!

-Elder Francis

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