Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 12-transfers

I hope all of you guys absolutely loved conference as much as I did!
I loved SO MANY of the talks given! I'll just talk about a couple.
First, PONDERIZE! I'm definitely going to start doing that. As we do,
he said that it will provide a higher place for our thoughts to go,
and that was an answer to my question of how I can better train and
master my thoughts. 
I loved the talks of the first presidency sooooo much. They all did an
amazing job. I especially like President Eyring's, and I applied to
myself as a missionary and the callings I will receive as one! I also
got a lot out of Elder Cooks and Elder Oaks. How about those new
apostles?! I secretly kept on thinking dad might get called hahaha. I
am really excited to hear from them more. I especially liked Elder
Renlunds testimony.
We had an awesome last week of the transfer! On the 1st I got a
package from Moroni and Deb and that made my week! It had letters from
all of their kids and some candy!
We got leadership and transfer calls this past week, and I have been
asked to train next transfer, and so has my companion. I will be
staying in P1, and he will be moving to Yorba Linda 3rd, which is
right next door and is in our zone. We get our greenies tomorrow, and
I'm excited and kinda nervous! But I know that it is all in the Lord's
hands. I'm really glad that I get to stay in the ward for at least
three more months!! I love the ward so much! More good news, we got a
call from Buelahs son this last week, and we scheduled the date of
Thelma's baptism for October 17r! Less than two weeks away!!
How amazing is that?! I am sooooo excited for her!! Even MORE good
news, Mark and Lyndsey are getting MARRIED!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
 On Dec 19th! So I will be able to go. And more importantly,
 they are getting sealed a year from now!!! And I will be able to go to that
too!!!! Oh my gosh that is going to be the best day of my life!
We realized at the beginning of last week that we were at 78 lessons
for the transfer, so we thought to ourselves, "let's go out with a
bang". We were able to meet our goal of teaching 22 lessons last week,
and ended the transfer with exactly 100 lessons taught. Mr. Monk
would've liked that haha. More importantly, all of the lessons were
really meaningful, not just numbers.
 I love you!
-Elder Francis
My Zone

My district

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