Saturday, October 24, 2015

Week 14- Thelma's baptism!!

This week has been so great!  Street contacting is definitely more difficult than tracting haha, but I have been working on it a lot. Elder Dube is sooooo good at it. He is great at talking to people, so I have been watching and learning from him. But we have been doing it a lot more this week and I feel like I am getting better at it.

 Thelma got baptized!!!!!!!!!! Barely.... We got a call on Thursday telling us that Thelma was in the hospital. My heart dropped into my stomach. We rushed over as fast as we could! We get to her room to find tiny little Thelma laying on a big hospital bed. She had lost 10 pounds overnight, putting her at like 90 pounds. We walked in, and she gets a huge smile on her face and shouts, "Elders!" I walked over to her, she took my hand in hers and said, "thank you so very much. I just knew you would come." And that just melted my heart. I sat down next to her and held her hand while she told us what happened. She had collapsed in the middle of the night due to a blood pressure spike or something like that. We gave her a blessing and left the rest to the Lord.
She got released the next day, just in time for her baptismal interview, which she of course passed with flying colors. Her baptism on Saturday went perfectly. All of Beulah's family, the Theobalds were there. And they are amazing. After being best friends with Thelma for over 50 years, they never gave up on her! Everyone was quite emotional haha, especially me. I was crying practically the whole time. Because I know how much this baptism meant for Thelma and the Theobalds. I felt the spirit so powerfully, and the veil was so thin. I knew that Clyde was watching with approval and love from the other side. 
I have never felt as much joy and happiness as I did on Saturday. It was eternal and Godlike. Thelma will be able to be sealed to Clyde now, and the unimaginable sorrow and pain she felt just weeks ago for her lost husband has been replaced with the hope and love of Christ. She now has the companionship of the Comforter, and she will never have to feel that sadness again.
And all because we acted on a prompting to go knock on a door and reminded a daughter of God that she has not been forgotten.

-Elder Francis

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