Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 13 - Temple trip

The temple this morning was AMAZING!! I have been waiting for the chance to go since I left home, and have been preparing myself for it since then. And man, it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Walking into the celestial room, being showered with light through windows that shimmered like the sun's rays on the ocean. The walls were trimmed with gold, and the crystal chandelier shined like thousands of diamonds. I was just so overcome with the spirit. It filled me with love and light and I tried to imagine what the celestial kingdom will be like. I sat and prayed and read the scriptures and received so much comfort and strength. I was so sad to leave, even though I was the last one haha. I wish we could go more than once every quarter, but I am so so grateful that we get to.
I got my new missionary this week! His name is Elder Cook, and he is also from Idaho haha. He is also a big guy, and his voice sounds just like Russell from UP except a little deeper hahahaha. To be blunt, I have been going crazy trying to figure out what to do with all of our time while also teaching him what he needs to know. I realized like a slap in the face how I literally have no idea what I'm doing out here. It's awful haha I go to bed every
night completely wiped. But we somehow made it through the first week. Booyah. And, crazy enough, Thelma is getting baptized this Saturday.  know, I can't believe it either! And for the most part, everything is
pretty solid. We already have the program lined up. So I will be sure to let you know how it goes!

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