Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 11

This week was pretty great, we met most of our goals and got 20
lessons this week. We have some pretty fantastic news! So  we found
out that on Oct 10th Thelma was going to go to st George and be
baptized there, which was absolutely fantastic! BUT Beulah and her
family surprised Thelma and said they are ALL coming here so that she
can be baptized in her home ward!! So Elder Burks and I can go! It
might be a week or two after the 10th, because there are a lot of
people that have to get work off, but it should be in October for
sure!! Isn't that incredible?!
I also witnessed some miracles this week, which you will take comfort
in. I was on exchanges with our zone leader, and we were
visiting a former investigator. We knock on the door and we hear two
big dogs barking on the other side, she opens it up, and two huge pit
bulls come bolting out right at us! I thought they were gonna jump on
us, but they stopped right at our feet! Then they started barking and
snapping their jaws at us, we had our book of Mormons in attack
position haha. They barely missed my fingers a couple times. I could
have sworn one of them bit my companion's leg, but neither of us were
touched. The lady, who was just watching all of this go down haha,
eventually called them back in. We were able to have a good
conversation with her and she invited us to come back next week.
Well this is the last week of my training! Next week is a new
transfer! And I'm excited for a new chapter in my mission! I would
absolutely love to stay in the ward. I love the members so so much.
But I will go and do whatever the Lord asks! I'll know by next week!
I'm super excited for conference this weekend. Probably more excited
than I've ever been in my life. It's basically the coolest thing ever.
Anyways, I'm excited to hear from you! Love love love you!

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