Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 9

 Happy Labor Day! Hope the first week of school went great for all of you!
This week has been great. Lyndsey asked me to baptize her this last week!!! Like what?!? I'm so so excited and couldn't be happier for her!
We had a bit of a scare this week with Lyndsey though... Last night her and Mark came to a baptism of a convert in the stake, and soon after the baptism started, I could tell that Lyndsey looked a little distressed. A few minutes later, she got up and left the room crying.  I felt strongly prompted that we needed to go do something, but I had no idea what to do... Finally I asked my companion if he would go with me to the bathroom. He rolled his eyes haha and agreed. In the hall I told him the situation and he suggested there was nothing we could do and that we just go back to the baptism. But I had us walk around for a little bit, looking for her. We couldn't find her though, and my companion kept suggesting we go back. So I agreed, and as we were walking back I was just praying so earnestly that we could talk to Lyndsey. I knew that we needed to. Right as we were about to enter, Lyndsey turned the corner with eyes puffed and cheeks red. A lot of her family and friends are very against her joining the church, and many of them are drifting away from her. Seeing the baptism just brought all of this stress to the surface. We prayed with her out in the hall. And my companion read Alma 7:11-13 to her and bore a powerful testimony. But it was right at that moment that someone came out and said everyone was waiting for me to come sing the musical number! I forgot that I was singing with two other elders and they were all waiting for me! So I had to go sing Nearer my God to Thee with a bawling Lyndsey sitting right in front of me... Not my best performance. After the baptism, they quickly left and we could only get in a few words of comfort. We went home very discouraged last night haha. We didn't sleep well and we were really worried for Lyndsey. My emotional distress also made me homesick,So I didn't sleep very well last night at all. 
To our great joy and comfort, this morning we got a text from Lyndsey thanking us for the comfort and support we gave her and assuring us that she is taking a leap of faith but she knows she can do it! So the baptism is still on for Saturday at 6! I know that your prayers and fasting is what has given Lyndsey the strength she needs! I've told her and she appreciates it so much!
We met with Thelma again this week! She is still doing great! I feel like she is going to get baptized, but time will tell! We went and played tennis with her this morning! Hahahaha she is so hilarious! The only racket I could find was 50 years old, but I did good and had a lot of fun:)

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