Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 10

Lyndsey's baptism went absolutely perfect! There were no flaws with anything! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! 

Monday and Tuesday of this last week were a little rough. We didn't get to teach any lessons on either of those days. BUT the next five days were probably the best 5 days of my entire life hahaha. We were on fire! Usually when elders have a baptism, their lessons and their numbers go down for that weekend, but not with us! Thursday we taught 7 lessons! And even on Saturday we still taught 4! With the other 4 on Wednesday, 2 on Friday, and 4 on Sunday, we taught 21 lessons this week!! We reached our goal! And exceeded it! My companion has never taught even close to that many lessons in a week! Not only that, but we had 2 investigators accept the invitation to be baptized also! Thelma being one of them! AND we had a baptism! The Lord just jumped a bucket of blessings on us over the past 5 days and it has been absolutely incredible! I have never known joy and happiness so great as I have this weekend. I am filled with gratitude and thanks and I am just in awe that the Lord has blessed us so much.

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