Monday, May 1, 2017

He who reads it oftenest will like it best!

We have had a fantastic week here in sunny California!
We got to do a fun service this week called Love Anaheim where we got
to serve around the community. We got shirts that say "I love
Anaheim", and are a prized gem among the missionaries because you can
only get them once a year at this service. Score.
On Tuesday we had our Mission Leadership Council, and Elder Perez and
I got to give a training on using the scriptures in our teaching. That
was an easy training for me to give, because I love the scriptures so
much. The scriptures have become a constant and powerful source of
strength, motivation, direction, and guidance for me as I've gone
throughout my mission. I don't want to go a day in my life without
studying the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. In his last
conference talk, President Monson said, "I implore each of us to
prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day." I took that
as a personal invitation I intend to accept for the rest of my life!
Daily scripture study is essential to continuing conversion to the
gospel. The Savior Himself said, "It is written, man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
I have seen hearts softened and lives changed by the word of God, the
most forefront and prevalent being my own. I love the scriptures so
much. True was Elder Richard G Scott when he said, "A memorized
scripture becomes an enduring friend that is not weakened with the
passage of time." The scriptures have become some of my most trusted
and reliable friends. I can turn to them at any time and in any place
and can find solace, peace, and counsel. If you are not already
studying from the scriptures every day, I personally invite you to do
so. I promise that you will come to love them and treasure them, and
that the time you spend in the scriptures each day will become a time
that is precious and sacred to you. The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "He
who reads it oftenest will like it best." Its true! Have a great week
everyone! I love you all!

-Elder Francis

We ❤️ Anaheim

Cody Hackman

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