Sunday, May 14, 2017

The righteous don't need rest and the wicked don't deserve it!

What an awesome week we've had! Soooooo busy though! We had Zone
Conferences throughout the mission on Tuesday - Thursday. Friday we
had a training for the missionaries who are halfway through training.
Saturday we had a tour of the Newport Beach Temple grounds that we
spoke at, and yesterday we had a meeting with the mission presidency!
"The righteous don't need rest and the wicked don't deserve it!" Haha
I'm not at the point where I don't need rest, so we do our best to
keep up amidst the meetings and assignments and responsibilities.
Despite being insaaaanely busy, I am just loving life!! Being able to
hear the comments and testimonies of all the missionaries throughout
the mission is such a blessing, and so is being able to work with
President and Sister Taggart, a couple who are completely devoted to
following the Savior. The mission motto is "covenant keepers joyfully
bringing souls to Christ", and I would like to put an emphasis on the
word "joyfully". There is no work that brings greater joy than the
Lord's! I love serving a Him and I love being a missionary, it fills
me with the sweetest joy I have ever known!
Even with our demanding schedule, we've been blessed enough this week
to have some time to proselyte every day. We found a new investigator
named Eddy this week! After inviting us in and receiving the message
of the Restoration, he committed to read and pray about the Book of
Mormon. When we went back a couple days later, he had done it! But he
didn't feel like he had received an answer. We opened up to Moroni
10:3-5 and read together about how we receive answers to our prayers.
While discussing real intent, Elder Perez asked, "If you receive an
answer that the Book of Mormon is true, what will you do?" Eddy
enthusiastically responded, "I will repent and be baptized!" Whaaaaa?!
After recovering from being blown away by that answer, we had Eddy
read verse 5: "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the
truth of all things." As he read, the Spirit filled the room. We could
feel it, and we knew that he could feel it. We asked him how he felt,
and he responded, "I feel so good right now. This is amazing." We
helped him to see for himself where those feelings came from, that is,
God. Eddy is on date for baptism for June 17! Eddy also came to church
on Sunday.
We went to the temple grounds tour with the Lozano family, who are
returning to activity. They are preparing now to go to the temple
themselves. Hopefully they will be able to within the next month.
There was a wonderful Spirit on the temple grounds, and I just didn't
want to leave.
Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful week! I
love you all!

-Elder Francis

Zone conferences with the Taggarts
Temple tour with the Lozanos

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