Friday, May 19, 2017

To know of love, pure and divine

What an incredible week it has been! This last week was the final one
of the transfer. Today marks the beginning of the last transfer of my
mission, and I will be staying in the Anaheim 3rd ward! This will make
6 transfers (roughly 8-9 months) in this area and assignment. I'm so
blessed to be able to finish my mission here! I love it so much!
Not only will I be staying with Elder Perez, but we are adding a
missionary to the companionship, Elder Salyer! We will be in a trio!
He and I have served near each other in the past, and he has always
been a fantastic missionary. I'm so excited to be one of his
Our investigator that I talked about last week, Eddy, is progressing
sooo well! He came to church again and we actually moved his baptismal
date FORWARD to June 3!
On the other hand, our investigator Carlos is facing some serious
opposition from his wife. She threatened him with divorce if he were
to get baptized... "I don't think she really means it though," said
Carlos, "I still want to be baptized. Look at Nephi! His brothers
wanted to kill him, but the Lord provided a way for him to be
obedient, and I know that He will for me too."
Carlos is man of great faith. But we are not to baptize someone
without the consent of their spouse, so Carlos will need the agreement
of his wife if he is to be baptized. Everyone please keep Carlos and
his wife in your prayers, so that he can be baptized and his family
can receive all of the blessings that come from having a priesthood
holder in the home.
Yesterday I got to talk with my amazing family!! It was so wonderful
to hear from them and to hear their testimonies. I'm so grateful for
my incredible family. I am especially grateful for my beautiful
mother, who has supported me throughout my life and my mission.  Her
faith and love for the Lord have changed my life, and it is because of
her and my father that I am the missionary I am.
I find it truly beautiful,
To know of love, pure and divine.
It rests on one, out of the soul
Of an angel mother such as mine.
Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks for all of your love and
support. Have a great week!
-Elder Francis

1) the Korean district!
2) Garden Grove Zone!!
3) Transfer calls with Elder Perez
4) Happy Mother's Day
5) Welcome Elder Salyer

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