Friday, March 18, 2016

Family history, I am doing it!- week 33

Its been an awesome week here in the Orange Hills YSA ward! We have
been doing a lot of finding lately, particularly at local colleges and
parks where YSAs tend to hang out more often. We have put an emphasis
on using family history lately, and although I had some reservations,
because what college kid wants to know more about genealogy, it has
proved to be very very successful! We got probably between 15 and 20
students that gave us their contact info and said they would like to
know more! The spirit of Elijah is real! It truly does turn the hearts
of the children to their fathers, and I have seen the fulfillment of
that prophecy in our work this past week.
One of the coolest experiences came as I was talking to this group of
college girls about family history. They were showing little interest,
but as we were talking this guy approaches me, totally interrupts what
the girls were saying haha, and asks, "Are you talking about family
history? Can you help me with mine?" I tried to reteach all of them,
but the girls lost interest and walked away, so I was able to talk
with this guy, his name is Aaron. I learned that he was blessed in the
church as a baby! His family fell into inactivity soon after, but he
has always wanted to know more about the church. We talked a bit about
his family history, and how there is a family history center nearby,
and he says, "Can I go to one of those church buildings to buy my own
Book of Mormon? I really want to read one and learn more about it."
..... Whaaaaaaaa?!?!? Is this even real life??? We gave him a Book of
Mormon without hesitation, and then he asked for our number so that he
could set a time to meet with us and learn more! He lives in the
Sisters' area so they will get to continue teaching him! The church is
true people!! There are those who are searching for it! We just have
to find them.
I got to go on exchanges twice this week, once with Elder Sparto, and
once with Elder Luu. They were both awesome and I loved the
opportunity to learn from them and to help them with their personal
goals and desires.
This week there was also a rare opportunity for us, as a first edition
Book of Mormon was being donated to Chapman University. L Whitney
Clayton, of the presidency of the seventy, was there to talk about the
Book of Mormon and how it came to be. Not only did we get to meet
elder Clayton, but we got to touch the Book of Mormon, turn the pages
and read the words! Of the 5000 copies that Joseph Smith ordered and
were completed in 1830, it is supposed that only 200-300 still remain.
And this was one of them! Super cool experience, that I'm sure I will
remember forever, almost as cool as the one we had Aaron.
Thanks so much everyone for all of your love and support!

-Elder Francis

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