Friday, March 18, 2016

#Hallelujah! - week 35

Hey everybody!! It's been a fantastic week here in Cali! We've been
able to spend a lot of time finding people to teach, and it has been
extremely productive! It's been amazing to see that as we have the
courage to open our mouths with everyone we see, the Lord places those
who are prepared to receive His gospel in our path. That truth was
very evident on an exchange I was able to go on with Elder Famme, one
of the District Leaders in our zone. We set finding goals at the
beginning of the day, and made plans as to how we were going to
achieve them. Once we were out of the apartment, we talked to
everybody we saw. The more people we talked to, the more people were
placed in our path throughout the day! Several times people approached
us and asked us about the church! It was so neat to see that the Lord
allowed us to reach all of the finding goals that we set.
I also had the chance to go on an exchange with Elder Masoe, one of
the other district leaders in our zone. We were able to do a lot of
service, some of which was at a local rest home. I loved getting to
work with and help the residents. There is something so Christlike and
submissive and childlike about the elderly, and I feel happy when I am
with them and in their company serving them.
We, as a mission, had the great privilege of being visited by Elder
Hamula of the Seventy and received a training from him! Man, that was
so awesome. He talked about being more converted to the Lord, and how
we can better qualify and use the enabling power of the atonement, or
the grace of Christ, to become more like Him. That is super summarized
haha and was only a portion of the 2 hour training, plus the 2 hour
Mission Leadership Council I got to go to, but to sum it up, it was
Yesterday the church released the new Easter initiative #Hallelujah
and we got to see it early! It is sooo awesome and the church has
created a website for people to visit and learn more! I'm gonna attach
the link so that anyone who hasn't seen it yet can see it,  and anyone
who hasn't shared it can share it! I love you all, have a great week!

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