Friday, March 18, 2016

Ruby is a gem! week 34

Hey everybody! It was been an incredible week here in So Cal! Our zone
had five baptisms this weekend! Four of those came from Ruby and her
family, who were baptized on Saturday and were confirmed just
yesterday. For those of you who don't know, Elder Johnson and I
tracted into Ruby about 5 or 6 weeks ago. She is YSA age, so we gave
her a Book of Mormon and set a return appointment. When we came back,
she asked, "Is it okay if my whole family sits in?" Uhhhhh yes!! So we
taught her whole family the Restoration and they  accepted it fully!
Then we passed them over to the family ward elders so that they could
all progress together!
Ruby, her mother Vanessa, and her two sisters, Evelyn and Alicia, were
all baptized! It was such an amazing experience! We were so happy for
them and for the family ward that they have been going to. There was
so much fellowship, and the transition from the hands of the
missionaries to the gentle hands of their loving family ward was so
smooth. There were over 60 people at the baptism from both the family
and YSA ward. Ruby has been coming to both wards the past few weeks,
and has made a lot of friends in both. She is incredible! The best
part was as she got up and bore her testimony after her baptism:
"I can honestly say that I have never been so happy in my entire life!
As we have accepted the gospel, our family gets along better, there is
peace in our home, and I am happy from the moment I wake up to the
minute I fall asleep at night. I will forever be grateful for this
gospel and for this church. I am just so happy!"
There is no greater joy that comes to us, than that which comes by
living the gospel of Jesus Christ! I believe that with all of my
In other news, Andrew, our recent convert of two weeks now, was
ordained a priest yesterday and was given the priesthood! He also
announced that he is going to be serving a mission a year from now,
and has begun to prepare already by studying preach my gospel. He is
coming out on splits with us this Thursday!
The gospel of Jesus Christ is true! It brings lasting peace and joy
into our lives hat nothing else can. I know that the fullness of the
gospel is in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Jesus
Christ Himself is at the head of our church and this is His work! I
thank God every day for this precious opportunity to serve Him, and to
feel of His love. I see His hand in my life, and all of these
experiences are ones that are sacred to me and are ones that I will
cherish forever. I love this beautiful gospel! I love Christ and I
follow Him! I love the plan that our Father in Heaven provided for all
of us to return to Him, and I love being a missionary!

-Elder Francis

Here is us and Ruby!

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