Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Church is true...Who knew? -Week 31

Hey everybody! It's been a great week for weather, with an average of
about 80 degrees accompanied by a cool ocean breeze. Doesn't get much
better than that. The great weather has been followed by a great week
of finding and teaching! There is a lot of good happening in our area
and zone right now, and there is nobody to credit but the Lord. He is
blessing us in such great abundance, and I'm so grateful for it! The
work is moving forward and the Kingdom of God is spreading! No
unhallowed hand can stop this work! We have a baptism coming up this
weekend, Andrew Moore. He is solid as a rock! Literally and
spiritually haha, he plays football and rugby. So we are very excited
for that coming up this weekend!
We had an awesome broadcast at church on Sundayy where we heard from
some of the church leaders, including Elder Renlund. I felt like it
was completely directed towards missionaries, but everybody seemed to
really love it, including me! I love hearing from church leaders and
being taught by them. What a great opportunity to be taught at the
feet of those representing the Lord Himself. It happens so often in
His church that it can get taken for granted, but each chance we get
to hear from the leaders of the church is a privilege that few people
throughout history have had. I'm so excited for general conference
coming up in a month and a half.
There are so many good things happening and so many miracles every
week that it is hard to narrow them down. One cool little thing that
happened this week happened while we were on temporary exchanges. I
was with elder Sparto, and we were tracting in their area to try and
find some more people for them to teach. He decided to have us go to
one of the wealthiest parts of their area, which is also one of the
wealthiest areas in the U.S., so we drove up the hill and began
knocking on the mansions overlooking the Anaheim. We were surprisingly
having some success, when a car pulls up, and the driver shouts, "Are
you Mormons?!" ..."We sure are!"..."well my brother is a Mormon, and
he has been in prison for the past year, why hasn't your church helped
him?" Haha I didn't know what to expect, but I'll admit, I wasn't
expecting that. We had a really nice conversation with him though, and
he actually said he wanted to start meeting with us. Booyah!
Thanks for all of your love and support everybody. The church is true!
The book is blue! Have a great week!

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