Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Another One Bites The Dust-week 29

Well it's been an awesome week here in the Orange zone! It's my 7
month mark and the Orange zone numbers are higher than ever! What a
great time to be alive!! :D
We had a really cool experience with one of our investigators this
last week named Carlos. About 2 weeks ago he was one of our most
progressing investigators! He was coming to church and fhe, but he had
some definite reservations about the priesthood and didn't like
talking about it with us. We had a lesson with him where we read
through 2 Nephi 31 and talked about the gospel. When we got to the
gift of the Holy Ghost, Carlos got really quiet and didn't really talk
much. He felt discouraged because we were telling him that he couldn't
have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost without receiving it
through priesthood authority, which was against his beliefs. We tried
to explain and comfort him, but he just asked us to leave. We left a
little sad, and were even more so when we got a text from him that
night saying he no longer wanted to meet with us... After we got it,
we called Carlos' fellowshippers from the ward and told them to keep
inviting Carlos to activities and to fhe, and they did! And he kept
coming! The ward members continued to involve him without us even
having to ask. Then a few days ago we got a call from Carlos saying he
wants to start meeting with us again! He came to church yesterday and
has an appointment for this week! He is progressing better than ever!
Fellowshipping and member involvement is real!!
We have had so many miracles over the past few weeks, and I can
attribute them to the Lord only. A few days ago we were out finding,
tracting an apartment complex, and as we were walking back to the car,
we passed a woman sitting on a bench with a baby in a stroller. As
soon as we did, we felt strongly prompted to talk to her, so we turned
around and began a conversation. Not knowing anything about her, we
immediately started to testify of how much God loves her. As we did,
tears filled her eyes and began to pour down her face. She is going
through a really rough time, and felt like she was alone. We were able
to remind her that God was mindful of her, and that she had not been
forgotten. We testified of the peace and comfort that comes from
reading the Book of Mormon, and she gladly accepted a copy and set a
time we could come and talk with her more!
The gospel is amazing! Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Francis

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