Monday, February 8, 2016

New transfer, new me - Week 30

Well it's been another great week here in Cali! Today is transfers!
Elder Johnson and I are staying together for 6 more weeks! We are also
getting another pair of sisters in our zone finally!  Sisters keep us
grounded haha so I'm really glad we are getting some more. Sister
Jacobs and Belnap are good sports for putting up with 22 elders.
Do you all remember the family that Elder Johnson and I tracted into
about two weeks ago? We had to pass them over to the family ward
elders. Well they are all on date for baptism now!! We got a call from
the other elders this last week saying the entire family accepted the
invitation to be baptized on March 12!!
We had MLC last week on a recent worldwide missionary broadcast title
Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts. Elders Bednar, Andersen, and
Ballard all spoke at it! We then got to take that training to the zone
a couple days later. I love how much I learn from being taught by
President and Sister Taggart and his assistants, and then teaching it
to our zone. That's been a blessing that I have really come to
appreciate over the past transfer. We also had stake conference this
weekend, and the stake presidency was reorganized, so we had visiting
general authorities come and teach the stake. That was so incredible!
This has been such an edifying and enlightening week! Revelation after
revelation has just been pouring down on me! It's so amazing to see
how the Lord blesses us with knowledge as we seek Him out!
Thank you everybody for all your love, prayers and support! They
sustain me and give me strength! Have a fantastic week!

We are also losing half of the Tongan program, so we took a pic on our
last district meeting.
(From left to right: elder Fili, elder Vimahi, the palange(white
person), elder Kupu, and elder Tua'one)

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