Monday, August 3, 2015

Everything is Awesome! Week 3

Here is Elder Hansen at I in the LEGO store in downtown Disney! Don't dwell on the fact that I look like a total poser hahaha. Him and I were in the same district in the MTC, and now we are in the same zone. He is one of my good friends out here, he is from New Orleans. Downtown Disney was fun!
This last week was good, but it was also rough. We are still trying to find people to teach. We don't really have any solid investigators, but I have full faith that they will come as we continue to try our hardest! 
Several times I have felt very discouraged over the past couple weeks, and I have already seen the blessing I received when I was set apart get fulfilled. At the times when I am struggling the most or when I am the most homesick, I have felt the presence of heavenly angels bearing me up and giving me strength. The Lord is true to every promise and every blessing. I can testify of that. 
The scriptures more than anything else have given me so much support and comfort. I am quickly coming to love them with all my heart, and I turn to them often during times of trial and hardship. I love this gospel with all my heart and I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve as a representative of Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. You are never alone. There are always angels helping on the other side, even if they are just watching for a time.
    Grandpa Mike
