Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 6 in California

This week was great! We had zone conference this week! It was awesome! I love every opportunity to hear from my mission president! He just always knows exactly what to say, like dad. And sister Taggart reminds me a lot of mom. But they are great, I love them. This zone conference was about the importance of the Book of Mormon. A lot of times missionaries will use scriptures from the bible with investigators, but the Book of Mormon is what makes us different from any other church! We should always utilize the power of the Book of Mormon in our teaching. 
At the end of the conference they left us a challenge to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas! And I want to extend that same invitation to you guys! You just have to read 4 pages every day! The mission president promised us that we would see miracles in our lives and in our work as we take this challenge to heart, and I want to extend that same promise to you guys! I know you will be in school and studying in the Old Testament and will have to be reading that also, but I can promise that there are incredible blessings that come from the Book of Mormon. It usually takes me 20 minutes, if that, to read 4 pages, so I know you can do it! Then we can finish it together!
This next week is already the last week of the transfer! Whaaaaaaa?!?! I can't believe it! I am halfway through my training and have almost been out for two months now! It's crazy! And it makes me so happy! 
Thanks so much for the package you sent! My companion has started calling you guys his second parents, and that makes me so happy.  
Lyndsey is still on date for baptism and everything is going great with her! Still no word on whether or not we get to keep teaching her, but hopefully we will know by next week! 
We are still doing a lot of finding here in the area, but people are slowly starting to come out of the woodwork! I have full faith that as we continue to try our hardest and do our best that we will be greatly blessed for it! I love you guys!
Elder Francis

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