Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 7

Hey! This last week was good, but we fell short of our goal by just a
couple lessons! So close! But that's okay! We taught like 70 lessons
this transfer, which my companion said is the most he has ever had! So
that's awesome!
Mark and Lyndsey are doing great! They have both progressed so much
and have come so far in a short time! It's amazing! Satan is trying so
hard to keep Lyndsey from getting baptized though. Her family is
persecuting her a lot for her decision to join the church, and she
faces a lot of doubts and disapproval from her family, especially her
parents. So please keep praying for her especially! I have faith that
everything will work out as long as she turns to the Lord.
The Flores family is doing great as well! We had two awesome lessons
with Jorge this week. We invited him to be baptized, and he said that
he knows that the church is true and he knows that it will bless his
family, but he just wants to receive a desire for himself before he
commits to baptism. He wants to do it for himself, not for others,
which is good! That is how he will have a lasting conversion! It's
just a matter of when! We gave him the commitment to pray every day,
and he has been keeping it! Which is huge for him!! So I have faith in
Matt  has been coming to church every week and met with bishop
yesterday to receive the priesthood! He is solid! It's so awesome!
Other than them we don't have a lot of people progressing. Except
maybe this guy named Duanne (Dwayne). He has been inactive for 25
years and he is really starting to show signs of improvement. He
prayed during our lesson the other day, and it was powerful! We all
felt the spirit so strong! It was wonderful! He really loves meeting
with us. And I am very hopeful for him.
We also met with a woman named Juanita who we believe is ready for the
baptismal invitation. We will just have to get back into her home. We
just barely got in last week and we've been trying since I got here.
So time will tell, but we have the potential to have three baptisms
over the next couple months at this point! Which would be absolutely
Haha we do do a lot of service, and our limit is 10 hours a week,
which we have met a couple times already.
From what dad has told me, it seems like we have had a ton
in common as missionaries, which makes me really happy. Dad is
Next week is two months out! I can't believe it! Time is flying and I
am starting to question how much longer I really have haha and that
makes me kinda sad. But I'm sure the next 22 months will be plenty
long haha. So we will see!
I love you guys so much! Have a wonderful week! Thanks for your continued support and
prayers in my behalf and for all you do! Especially you mom!
-elder Francis

Here Is my district for my first transfer! From left to right, elder heinkel, elder Wong, me, elder burks, sister rosenlund, sister burgess, elder burgess(no relation, he is Samoan), elder Cortez is kneeling, elder Purnell, and elder Goodrich! 

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