Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 1 in the field

My companion, Elder Burks, is also from IF town! He went to Bonneville, and he knows Kelsie Williams and Justin! He is a good guy and he has a desire to work hard and get stuff done, so that has been great for a change! He has had some really tough companions the past 7 or 8 months, and as a result he hasn't had much success in the form of baptisms or ordinances. Our area hasn't had someone on date in over 7 weeks, and he hasn't got a baptism in 6 months, so we are trying super super hard to change that. We have 3 people that we are extending the baptismal invitation to this week, so I will be sure to let you guys know the result. We fasted yesterday and we wrote out very specific goals both personally and as a companionship of things we are going to work on to show the Lord we are willing to work hard! And we are! We've had about 10 lessons since I got here, and Elder Burks says it has been a long time since he has gotten more than 10 in a week, so that's really good. 
The MTC was great! And the field is terrifying, but I'm glad to be here! It seriously feels like it's been months since I left home. It's been really hard to adjust to the new life, and I've gotten really stressed and scared a couple times already, but I have already felt the presence of angels watching over me, and every time I have turned to the Lord and to the scriptures, I have been given strength and support. I have full faith in the Lord that through Him I can accomplish miracles out here. I have already seen little ones all over the place as I strive to do my best. The big ones will come in time, after my faith has been tested, "for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith". Elder Burks and I set the goal to get 2 baptisms in the month of August, which is big, but I have full faith in the Lord that we can do it. But, His will, not ours, be done. 
The scriptures have given me a ton of strength, and I love being able to turn to them any time and that I can study them for hours every day! They are incredible! I have learned so much already, and there are many that have already become close to me, one that comes to mind is Matthew 11:28-30. I think it was Jeffrey R Holland or Richard G Scott that said the scriptures should be your best friends, and that is so true! They can strengthen and support you in any trial and any affliction.
I have never been so productive in my whole life! I hope the skills I am learning can continue  with me throughout my life. Honestly, it is kinda funny to hear from you guys and to see how much you get done in a day. I have been working for 16 hours every day and I get so much done. It was hard at first, but now that I am adjusting to the schedule it is amazing how much I can get done! If I could've had this schedule back home I would be a college grad by now!

 I love you guys so so much! We get to be together forever! There are two part-member families that we are teaching right now (which we are trying to change;)) and it has been such a comfort for me knowing that we get to be together forever. It is so hard being out here and doing this, haha and it's so scary, but I know that the Lord has provided a way! I know that we will all be so blessed for me being out here, and I know that the church is true! Until next week my dearest family! Love you guys!

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