Tuesday, July 7, 2015

First Letter

We received a letter in the mail from Elder Francis yesterday!  Here is an excerpt from it, dated July 1, 2015:

"As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk after mom and dad dropped me off, my fears and doubts were immediately replaced with peace and comfort.  I couldn't stop smiling, actually.  From the time I left the drop off to the time I got to my first class, and even into class, I had a huge grin on my face.  The Spirit witnessed to me that this was exactly where I needed to be.

It felt so great to put on my black name tag, finally.  I now literally bear the name of the Savior wherever I go and in whatever I do.  My first companion, Elder Ririe(who's grandparents founded Ririe, Idaho) is awesome.  He is quiet, but we get along well.

We already got the opportunity to teach tonight.  As a group of 60-80 missionaries, we listened to investigators share their story and why they have accepted to hear the missionaries.  One particular man shared the story of his 3 day old child that passed away, and due to his Catholic beliefs, he feared that his child was sentenced to hell.  I became overpowered by the Spirit and by the love of God and immediately turned to Moroni 8:11-13.  I raised my hand and shared with him those scriptures, and after testified that his son was saved through Christ.  My voice got choked up and a spirit came over the room.  Reverently the man said that for 22 years he feared and worried for his dear son, but as I said that, those feelings were replaced with hope and peace.  He said it was if his heart had been pierced by an arrow, the words of the scriptures struck him so powerfully.  What an incredible experience.  I love this Gospel, and I know that it is true.  It can bring such great joy into the hearts of men.

Elder Francis"

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