Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 2 in California

We took this on Saturday during exchanges haha. I was with elder Purnell and we visited a less active lady and her kids. They have 6 snakes! This is Fred. He is a baby Python, only about a year old. He will get up to 7 feet long. Haha it was terrifying, but awesome (that's the expression on my face in that picture). Like most of my mission.

There is a tree right outside of our balcony, so I jumped over to it. Our apartment is really nice. We have a washer and dryer, so we usually get missionaries coming over on Mondays to do laundry. We call our apartment complex Little India, because there are a ton of Indians (not native Americans) that live there. They are always throwing pool parties and stuff haha. Most of them don't speak English as far as I know, so we don't talk to them too much.

Elder Burks and I are still trying super hard to find people to teach! Not a whole lot of success yet, but I am hopeful! I know that we will be blessed for our efforts! Our week was good for the most part! We taught about 15 lessons, which is the goal that president has made for the mission. The snake lady was probably the most exciting part of the week. We have been tracting quite a bit and visiting former investigators and outdated referrals, just trying to find people to teach. We have one guy that might be showing some promise, but only time will tell, we have to start teaching him first haha, he is hard to get ahold of.
I am getting fed very well by the members, we get authentic Mexican food a couple times a week, and I have yet to have a dinner that isn't delicious! Hopefully I'll gain some weight haha, everyone out here is so much bigger than me...
Here is my companion, Elder Kai Burks. He is from IF! He went to bonneville and knows kelsie and Justin and the capsons! He is a funny guy and we are getting closer as time goes on. He has a good heart and a strong desire to work hard.

The weather here in Cali is incredible! It is almost always sunny, there is constantly a cool, ocean breeze, and it rarely gets past 90 degrees. And there are palm trees everywhere! It'll take a couple weeks to fully adjust to the heat, but I already love it.

PS..Guess what I just did?!  One of the elders in my mission is a world class boxer that represented Tonga in the Olympics! And I just boxed him. He did not hold back... He destroyed me. I've never been hit so hard in my life. I lasted about 2 minutes and then my companion called it. I got in maybe 2 shots haha. But now I can say I've boxed a world class boxer. My jaw is gonna be sore tomorrow!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 1 in the field

My companion, Elder Burks, is also from IF town! He went to Bonneville, and he knows Kelsie Williams and Justin! He is a good guy and he has a desire to work hard and get stuff done, so that has been great for a change! He has had some really tough companions the past 7 or 8 months, and as a result he hasn't had much success in the form of baptisms or ordinances. Our area hasn't had someone on date in over 7 weeks, and he hasn't got a baptism in 6 months, so we are trying super super hard to change that. We have 3 people that we are extending the baptismal invitation to this week, so I will be sure to let you guys know the result. We fasted yesterday and we wrote out very specific goals both personally and as a companionship of things we are going to work on to show the Lord we are willing to work hard! And we are! We've had about 10 lessons since I got here, and Elder Burks says it has been a long time since he has gotten more than 10 in a week, so that's really good. 
The MTC was great! And the field is terrifying, but I'm glad to be here! It seriously feels like it's been months since I left home. It's been really hard to adjust to the new life, and I've gotten really stressed and scared a couple times already, but I have already felt the presence of angels watching over me, and every time I have turned to the Lord and to the scriptures, I have been given strength and support. I have full faith in the Lord that through Him I can accomplish miracles out here. I have already seen little ones all over the place as I strive to do my best. The big ones will come in time, after my faith has been tested, "for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith". Elder Burks and I set the goal to get 2 baptisms in the month of August, which is big, but I have full faith in the Lord that we can do it. But, His will, not ours, be done. 
The scriptures have given me a ton of strength, and I love being able to turn to them any time and that I can study them for hours every day! They are incredible! I have learned so much already, and there are many that have already become close to me, one that comes to mind is Matthew 11:28-30. I think it was Jeffrey R Holland or Richard G Scott that said the scriptures should be your best friends, and that is so true! They can strengthen and support you in any trial and any affliction.
I have never been so productive in my whole life! I hope the skills I am learning can continue  with me throughout my life. Honestly, it is kinda funny to hear from you guys and to see how much you get done in a day. I have been working for 16 hours every day and I get so much done. It was hard at first, but now that I am adjusting to the schedule it is amazing how much I can get done! If I could've had this schedule back home I would be a college grad by now!

 I love you guys so so much! We get to be together forever! There are two part-member families that we are teaching right now (which we are trying to change;)) and it has been such a comfort for me knowing that we get to be together forever. It is so hard being out here and doing this, haha and it's so scary, but I know that the Lord has provided a way! I know that we will all be so blessed for me being out here, and I know that the church is true! Until next week my dearest family! Love you guys!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Arrived at Mission home!

I made it safely to Anaheim! President and Sister Taggart are fantastic! Sister Taggart wanted to make sure I let you guys know I am here safe, and my next P-Day isn't until next Monday, so you probably won't hear from me until then. The flight went great! I got to talk to a lady about the gospel and share my testimony on families with her! I love you guys and can't wait to write you next week! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 9, 2015 - 1st Pday

Hey hey hey,

Here is my district! I have been called to serve as the district leader over them! When I first got the call, I was surprised and kinda sad because I really didn't want to. I wanted the opportunity to be humbled by not receiving the call, so that I could submit to my leaders and their guidance. And I just didn't want the extra responsibility. But this call has humbled me more than anything else. In order to be a good leader, I have to serve the other missionaries. I have to bring myself lower to be able to serve and love them the way the Lord would have me. What an incredible opportunity, I am learning so much from it every single day. I would be lying if I didn't say it was hard, but I am totally trusting in the Lord and I know with all of my heart that he will raise me up and make me the leader he needs me to be. Man this gospel is just so incredible. I never truly realized how happy it makes me, and now that I am fully immersed in it, my eyes have been opened to the countless blessings that come from it.

I am learning so much here. It has only been a week but it honestly feel like it has been months already since I left. We study and teach for 10-12 hours every day, and I am learning so much about my purpose as a missionary, and that is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. I love you guys so so much, and I know that the Lord is pouring out blessings on you for supporting me. Next time I email I will be in CALI!!!!! Love you guys! The gospel is true!

And here is me and Elder Ririe having some fun in the dorms. try and figure out how we got this picture;)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

First Letter

We received a letter in the mail from Elder Francis yesterday!  Here is an excerpt from it, dated July 1, 2015:

"As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk after mom and dad dropped me off, my fears and doubts were immediately replaced with peace and comfort.  I couldn't stop smiling, actually.  From the time I left the drop off to the time I got to my first class, and even into class, I had a huge grin on my face.  The Spirit witnessed to me that this was exactly where I needed to be.

It felt so great to put on my black name tag, finally.  I now literally bear the name of the Savior wherever I go and in whatever I do.  My first companion, Elder Ririe(who's grandparents founded Ririe, Idaho) is awesome.  He is quiet, but we get along well.

We already got the opportunity to teach tonight.  As a group of 60-80 missionaries, we listened to investigators share their story and why they have accepted to hear the missionaries.  One particular man shared the story of his 3 day old child that passed away, and due to his Catholic beliefs, he feared that his child was sentenced to hell.  I became overpowered by the Spirit and by the love of God and immediately turned to Moroni 8:11-13.  I raised my hand and shared with him those scriptures, and after testified that his son was saved through Christ.  My voice got choked up and a spirit came over the room.  Reverently the man said that for 22 years he feared and worried for his dear son, but as I said that, those feelings were replaced with hope and peace.  He said it was if his heart had been pierced by an arrow, the words of the scriptures struck him so powerfully.  What an incredible experience.  I love this Gospel, and I know that it is true.  It can bring such great joy into the hearts of men.

Elder Francis"

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 1-July 1, 2015

Michael was dropped off at the MTC today.  He was met by a friendly Elder Corey who greeted him, took our picture, and carried his bags in.  He'll be in good hands!