Monday, April 10, 2017

#PRINCEofPEACE <---Check it out!

What a fantastic week it has been! Elder Perez and I have been working
hard and have seen the fruits of our labors.
Tuesday morning we dropped off the departing missionaries at the
airport, including my last companion, Elder Wilson. It was
bittersweet. The only thing that made it better was the fact that we
got to walk down a flight of stairs and pick up 7 new missionaries! We
spent the rest of the afternoon with them, got to hear their
testimonies and feel of their spirit, and that picked us right back up
and we've been up ever since!
On Wednesday night we were visiting someone with a member of a
bishopric and met a man while on the way. He seemed interested and
said we could call him. On the way back, we saw him again and he asked
to if he could come to church! We told him we could meet before the
service and have a lesson, and he accepted. A member brought him this
morning, and we taught him the Restoration. It was the kind of lesson
that missionaries dream of. We sat in the church with him and the ward
mission leader and began our lesson, and the Spirit started working on
him. He began asking questions like, "Why are there so many different
sects?", and, "The scriptures teach to beware of false prophets, how
can we tell a false prophet from a true one?" We could hardly keep up!
By the time we got to the Restoration of the Gospel through Joseph
Smith, the Spirit was powerful. One of us said the word baptism, and
he stopped us and said, "What does one need to do to be baptized?"
Long story short, Josh is on date for May 20. He stayed for sacrament
meeting and loved it. He has already read the reading assignment we
gave him and is eager to meet again. What a miraculous experience.
I love Elder Perez! He has such a cheerful countenance and attitude
that brings a great spirit to our work. We are striving to talk with
everyone and have had some very tender experiences sharing the Prince
of Peace video to people whom the Lord has led us to. We shared it
with several people this week who have lost loved ones recently, one
woman lost her husband last Sunday. I know that the greatest peace in
this life can only come through Jesus Christ. As we celebrate Easter
this week, I invite you all to ponder how you might receive greater
peace by following Jesus Christ. I love you all!
-Elder Francis

1-3) dropping off departing missionaries
4) you know your area is ghetto when...

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