Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 27-Rockin Awesome Temple Tour

Hey everybody! It's been a great week here in the Orange Hills YSA
ward! We had a lot of success in our finding and our teaching and we
were blessed to be able to meet many of the goals that we set this
week. One of my favorite parts was the opportunity we had to go on a
tour of the temple with one of our investigators, Andrew. He is sooooo
awesome! We have been teaching him for almost a month now, and he is
going to get baptized. The entire tour he was asking questions about
the temple and baptism and the church. He even said that he has been
thinking about going on a mission after he gets baptized! Like what?!
How awesome is that?!
I also personally love every opportunity I get to go to the temple,
even if it is just walking around the grounds. There is such a special
spirit that resides at the temple, and I wish we could go more often
than we do, but I should be happy with what I'm given haha.
I also got the chance to go on exchanges with one of the Assistants to
the President, Elder Pratt. He is a champ! We had a great time and
talked a lot about how we can raise the zone and the mission. I
learned a lot and just got inspired to be better. Exchanges are such a
great learning opportunity. Lucky for me, I get to go on exchanges
like twice a week.
I've thought a lot about how we can best help the zone, and I'm coming
to learn that success comes so much from a personal level. One must
make a decision within themselves to submit to the Lord, to be
obedient, to be consecrated in the work. Without that personal
commitment, no amount of goals or trainings will avail to much at all.
At the same time, one person can have a great effect on one around
them. One person, through their example and obedience, can inspire
within many a desire to make that personal decision. Romans 5:19!
Have a great week everybody!
-Elder Francis
Here is Elder Keuhne (Elder Johnsons previous companion), Andrew, and
yours truly!

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