Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 26 - Walkin on Sunshine

Hey errybody! It's only been like 4 days since my last Pday, but it
has been pretty eventful! Our car got broken into! Haha that was
crazy!  The back window got smashed, even though the car was unlocked
hahaha, and E. Johnsons violin got stolen!! And his new running
shoes!! Poor guy. Neither of our iPads, wallets, or the gps was taken
though, so I don't know what our robber was thinking. We got the car
fixed and it barely even kept us from our work.
That same day, I stubbed my toe super bad. I thought it was broken. E. Pruitt, who was a medic in two tours in Afghanistan, looked at it and  said it probably wasn't. Nonetheless, it hurt way bad. I've been
limping around like a zombie or something for the past few days. I
didn't realize how much of the day missionaries are on their feet!
It's been awful! As a result of the jam, I haven't been able to sleep
very much, because my foot has been keeping me up at night. But the Lord keeps me going, and we have been able to get some great work done  over the past few days. We had two investigators at church yesterday!  Sadly, we were supposed to have four there! But I'm happy we got two.
We also had an awesome YSA broadcast last night where President Nelson spoke. It was incredible! If you are YSA aged, hop on and  watch it!

This week has been great out here! It's been crazy to see how the Lord
has placed so many YSAs right in our path, when compared to the family
ward where we rarely found them! I have no doubt that the Lord is
guiding us to those whom He is preparing. The Lord's hand and those
sent to do His will are all around us! And as we gain the spiritual
eyes to see and the ears to hear, we begin to discover how truly
all-encompassing the Savior and His atonement is. It reveals a world
of wonder and beauty that we could never imagine, a world touched by
the hand of God that is truly sublime.
Thanks everybody! Love your emails! Have a great week!

-Elder Francis

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